Festive Lights at Delta Hospital & Delta Hospice
- Registration for this event is now closed.
30 Nov. 2024 |
Ladner (Delta)
Hello Everyone,
Sorry for the typo on my first email invitation
On Saturday November 30 2024, at 9 AM we are going to install the Christmas Lights at Delta Hospital and Delta Hospice.
We are hoping to complete by 12 Noon and then have an informal lunch or coffee at Kee House Cafe at McKee House (Courtyard Cafe at the hospital is closed on weekends).
On Thursday January 23 2025, we will return and do the light take down. At that time, a free lunch/coffee will be provided by the Courtyard Cafe at the hospital).
The Delta Secondary Interactors have been invited to help us with light installation on Sat Nov 30.
It is short notice so please sign up if you are available to help and sign up any family members that could help us.
We are hoping to have:
(1) 2 person team install the lights on the bushes & trees in front of the Main Hospital Entrance and the roundabout in the driveway at Delta Hospice
(1) 2 person team install the lights at Mountainview Manor Entrance on the side of Delta Hospital opposite to main entrance
(1) team of several persons to install lights in the Healing Garden in the Courtryard inside Delta Hospital
Mike Storey will go to Delta Hospital at 8 AM on Saturday, contact Security and pull out the lights, then start plugging in & testing. If we need bulbs, I will keep those strings separate and run to Can Tire or London Drugs to pick up replacement bulbs (there are some replacement bulbs with the lights so we might be OK)