An inspiring story of how the community got behind the rebuilding of The Little House

Our speaker on June  5th was Jim Stimson, president of The Little House Society which is a community-based nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting and advancing education related to substance use, abuse, and addiction, and abstinence-based recovery from addiction.

For 27 years, the Little House Society was charged with the responsibility of over-seeing a house located on 12th Avenue in South Delta, British Columbia that was used as a meeting place for addictions and related recovery groups. In 2009 the house was destroyed by arson.

The Society decided to turn this tragic event into an opportunity to redefine its mission and purpose. The Board and Members decided that not only would it rebuild the house as a multi-purpose facility to be used by recovery groups and other community groups, it would extend its mandate by looking for ways to provide knowledge and support to the community regarding substance abuse issues.

Residents and the local business community got behind the project with $150,000 in cash donations and $350,000 donated in labour, services and materials. The new building was built in 10 months after the sod turning.

There are now 6 different recovery groups hold ing 12 meetings each week at Little House.