Steven Potter, law student articling with Delta Law Office, joined Ladner Rotary on October 19th. President of The Rotary Foundation Canada and former Vice President of Rotary International, Dean Rohrs, officiated at the induction ceremony.
More will be learned soon about Steven when he speaks to the club about his life and career.
On a visit to speak about the campaign to end polio in the world, Past District 5040 Governor Dean Rohrs also serves as an international trustee of The Rotary Foundation. On the international board for the 2.4 million Rotary members she also served as Director, Zone 28 and 32 (Canada, NE USA, Alaska, eastern Russia). Dean is a member of a Rotary club in Langley.
Officiating at the induction of new member Steven Potter (back row far right) was President of The Rotary Foundation Canada Dean Rohrs (right), with (l to r) President Denis Denischuk, sponsor Ulf Ottho, Richard Shantz and Membership Chair Ann Waldo |