Posted on Aug 15, 2023
It was old home week when South Surrey White Rock Member of Parliament Hon. Kerry-Lynne Findlay returned to her former Rotary Club of Ladner for a visit on August 15th. Before her election in the South Surrey White Rock riding, Kerry-Lynne had served as MP for the Delta Richmond East riding in the Stephen Harper government, as Parliamentary Secretary to Justice, Associate Minister of Defence then as Minister of National Revenue. Between political gigs, she was active in Ladner Rotary, including a term as President. She is now the Conservative Party's Chief Opposition Whip, the first woman to hold that office, among various parliamentary duties.
Kerry-Lynne gave her old Rotary colleagues an update on her family. Then she spoke about the challenge, along with others from Western Canada serving as MPs over the great distances from home to Ottawa and back on a regular basis.
She is the only BC MP serving on the Conservative Party Leadership Team, with the party leader and seven others. As party Whip, she not only is charged with keeping the focus of caucus members on legislation, she works with the Whips and the House Leaders of the other parties, along with the Speaker, to administer the House of Commons.
A current challenge of Question Period and parliamentary committees, now often online since the start of COVID, is finding enough qualified English/French translators. 
Other issues of concern are interference in elections at all levels of government, bail reform of catch and release which allows some violent offenders to return to society and continue with their criminal behaviour, affordability, especially for younger people, censorship and access to newsfeeds and questions of Canadian content and the too broad a scope of gun control.
President Brian Coe and Past President Guillermo Bustos thank Kerry-Lynne Findlay, making a contribution to the Rotary global campaign to rid the world of polio